
Libra Monthly Horoscope

January 2025

A period in which the best you can do is to know your plans and dreams. And it is written that receive an unexpected support. Keep in mind that you can only follow who announced her fate. So if you want others to join your cause, say what you plan, make your course and especially not fear being rejected. To know that it is not feasible we tempt fate once and for all. Moon points the way this first month of the year and will do well to accept his guidance, for you drew clear which should be an action: say what you are, who you want to be expressed, and act accordingly. We must begin to be that sooner or later we have to achieve. The intention should always be ahead of the acts. For something to happen, Libra, you have to attract: To get there, you must first see it. In the same way, to get to the future, we must approach the problems we have today, especially if those problems are embodied by very specific people. Mercury in opposition to Mars wants to leave clear that the problem that those who oppose you have do not believe you have dreams. The ambitions are our best defense against the misery and envy. That with which they dream is bigger than ourselves for the simple reason that it makes us look stronger , more determined , more impressive and that is because who we envy and who opposes us on the way to our dreams are beings without ambitions or direction . And bumping head on with someone who knows where you are going is the worst punishment which gives them life.

Libra Characteristics

How to attract a Libra?

Libra man

Libra love and relationship

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